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Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Bulgarian Police Sports Association  was established on Aug. 14, 1990 in Sofia, Bulgaria.
45 clubs are members of the Association. 22 of them are regional, 13 are attached to the national and central directorates of the Bulgarian Ministry of Interior and 10 of them are central clubs.  
BPSA annually organizes national reviews in the field of shooting, karate, ju jitsu, martial arts techniques and firefighting sport; national championships in football, volleyball, basketball, karate, skiing – Alpine and Nordic disciplines, biathlon and orienteering.
Regularly there are different sports, like tennis, table tennis, taekwondo, equestrian, police dogs competitions and tournaments taking place.
Tourist society “Mourgash” is an active member and also organizes different sports events - walking, cycle, water tourism and alpinism.
The Association pays special attention to the children.
Experienced instructors from the Ministry of Interior form sports groups within the different clubs.
During the last years big popularity gain programs, called “Young friends of police” and “Young firefighter”. These programs constantly include more children and their purpose is to educate the young generation into the laws of the state and affiliate them with the fight against anti-social acts. 

Bulgarian Police Sports Association is member of the following organizations:

·      Balkan Police Sports Union /USPB/ – established in 1991

·      European Police Sports Union /USPE/ – established in 1950

·      World Police Sports Union /USIP/ - established in 1991

Some of the main international successful sports activities of the Association are as follows:

·     1992 - Balkan Police Karate Championship – host and champion in the individual and  team disciplines

·     1993 – Second Congress of the Balkan Police Sports Union /USPB/ - host

·     1993 – 1995 - Balkan Police Sports Union /USPB/ was under the chairmanship of the Bulgarian Police Sports Association

·      1994 and 1996 – Balkan Police Skiing Championships – host

·      1993, 1994, 1995 –  Balkan Police Skiing Championships – champion in the individual and team disciplines

·      1995 – Balkan Police Shooting Championship – first place for women individual competition; second place for men – individual competition

·      1994 – European Police Basketball Championship – second place

·      1995 – European Police Shooting Championship – champion in the individual discipline

·      1999 – European Police Shooting Championship – champion; two second places and one third place in the individual discipline

·      2000 – European Police Wrestling Championship – champions in two categories,   silver and bronze medal

·      2002 – Balkan Police Championship – host

·      1992 – 2003 – participation the World Police and Fire Games and the International Law Enforcement Games  - many medals and first places won in different sports – karate, track and field, tennis, swimming, bench press, shooting, football, basketball, table tennis, etc.

·       1997 – European Police Volleyball Championship – host and champion

·       2001 – European Police Basketball Championship – host and champion

     .    2004 - Host of the 11th Balkan Police Ski Championship

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